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From Rev. Tina Rizzitello
Happy Thanksgiving! 
Thankful Quotes and How to Feel at Peace! 
Peace Love and Happiness….. Inspirational quotes poems for Thanks-giving Day….’for you!’

*”Gratitude takes three forms: a feeling in the heart, an expression in words, and a giving in return”. ~ ~ John Wanamaker

This post is written to wish you a very Happy Thanks-giving, of course! But if you brake down this word, you’ll see, just how beautiful the quote above really is!

I’m sure you’ve heard statistics say, that the holidays can be one of the most loneliness and unhappiest times of the year for many, many people. And as the world is quickly evolving, not to mention, also us human beings, in these changing times, it’s the perfect opportunity to re-evaluate what is really important for us and to be thankful for it.

*”Keep a grateful journal. Every night, list five things that you are grateful for. What it will begin to do is change our perspective of your day and your life.” ~~Oprah Winfrey

I wanted this post to be my Happy ‘Thanks-giving gift for you’… I made a list of practices that I use, to feel more peace in my own life. And finding new ways to feel more grateful can be a pleasure in itself.

1-For myself, keeping a gratitude journey,  has become a daily ritual, not only for feeling inner peace, but also, has helped in applying the UNIVERSAL LAWS OF ATTRACTION more successfully. It can help you to attract more of what you want, when first being thankful for what you already have. And writing down what you’re thankful for works ten times better, than just thinking it, or saying it.

2-And don’t forget how truly wonderful Thankful/Appreciation quotes can be when you need a little picker upper of inspiration
I can assure you that once you get into this habit of gratefulness; you will be feeling more Peace Love and Happiness as each holiday comes rolling along.

*”Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow.” ~~ Melody Beattie

Even if you’re out there, with all the many distractions of planning, shopping, cooking and so on, try to take a few moments to get centered….stop what your doing and take a few nice deep breaths, breathe in LOVE…and think about what this holiday is really all about. It will have you feeling so much more inner peace.

3-As you celebrate this Special American Holiday, joining your family and friends, or maybe not at all, enjoying whatever traditions you like to follow for this day, where many eat turkey, but others may choose not to…. lets learn to accept each others choices. Making no judgments, what so ever, for how anyone may choose to celebrate it. That’s a blessing in itself for one another!

4- As soon as you wake up in the morning, take a moment to sit in bed before you begin your day, by really appreciating the aspect of just being alive. If you’re not feeling good about the holidays, just be aware of why they even came about. And I think we all know that, traditionally, Thanksgiving is a time to give thanks for the harvest and express gratitude in general.
*”The Pilgrims came to America not to accumulate riches but to worship God, and the greatest wealth they left unborn generations was their heroic example of sacrifice that their souls might be free”. ~~Harry Moyle Tippett

If for some reason holidays are difficult for you, can you look at this just a little differently? If you are joining others for Thanksgiving Day, or any time what so ever, and you want to feel at peace with others…..

5- Lets say, you are giving your normal greeting to another…the ‘Happy Thanksgiving Day’ wish, maybe even a hug, but just before you do this, try making eye contact.

Do you know that when you connect with someone in this way you can actually get in touch with their soul? But putting it more simply, you just connect…you feel a much closer, warmer feeling with this person.

Something we don’t usually think about. By doing this, you’re conveying to them they are special enough to take that second to connect. You can actually feel better yourself…because you acted from the goodness of your heart.

6-If this seems a little difficult, because you may not be looking forward to spending time with some of your relatives; maybe you can look at this in a simple way….. That it’s ‘just for today.’

When you know that something isn’t forever, you seem to adjust to it much easier. And it never hurts, to think in this way. It can actually help you stay focused on what is good, and enjoyable while in their company.
Everyone has beauty inside them, if you take the time to look for it.

*”Reflect upon your present blessings, of which every man has plenty; not on your past misfortunes of which all men have some”. ~~Charles Dickens

7- If you stay grateful for the little things, whatever beauty is surrounding you, and also towards the people that you chose to be with. You may just see things you wouldn’t have noticed, if things were always perfect. Try ‘staying in the moment’….enjoy everything possible as if was your first gathering together. AS a child would see it, if it were their first Thanksgiving Day…. as you mingle, and ‘stay present’.

*”Pride slays thanksgiving, but an humble mind is the soil out of which thanks naturally grow. A proud man is seldom a grateful man, for he never thinks he gets as much as he deserves.” ~~ Henry Ward Beecher

8-And lastly….Put a little humor in your life as often as you can. The more we smile, and laugh, the healthy, happier and more peaceful we feel!

This awareness you’ve been reading, was not only intended for people that find holidays difficult, but for all of us, all the time, so that we can begin seeing those great positive, peaceful changes in ourselves. So that we’re sure to feel more of that peace love and happiness, which I talk about so often….especially, as we practice the UNIVERSAL LAWS OF ATTRACTION more successfully in our lives!

Thank you for the beauty you have woven into the tapestry of my life…..for you, just being here. I am grateful!

Wishing you the Happiest Thanksgiving Day ever!!!

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The ULC, run by Rev. Long, has created a chaplaincy program to help train our ministers. We also have a huge catalog of Universal Life Church materials.  I’ve been ordained with the Universal Life Church for many years and it’s Seminary since the beginning and have loved watching the continual growth of the seminary.

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Master of Religious Philosophy ~ Lesson 16 – Religious Functionality – Political

Q.1. ) If your faith taught you that you were to “keep separate” from the secular world (assuming that it doesn’t), what would you do if the government ordered you to participate at threat of jail time? What if the consequences included potential death (as it did for Jehovah’s Witnesses in World War II Germany)?

A.1. ) I would do time in jail! As an example I recently wrote a piece about Gay Marriage and drawing a line in the sand. My conclusion was that I, would do time in prison or even except death if I, as a minister would be legislated to perform a Marriage between Gay couples. I believe that if such a law were enforced upon religions that did not agree with the new policy that many religious leaders would be faced with this very moral dilemma. Thus, having to make a choice them selves.

However, to me it is a play on words that could be negated if the parties involved were to consider the options. Ether exempt religious faiths that took a stand against this mandate and only require the local Justice of the Peace to perform these duties, or for them (the Gay Community), to consider not using the word marriage so as not to imply the union that is held sacred by many religious faiths as being between a man and a woman. Rather, calling it a union or even common law, or even a civil union, these are considered by many states as a common and legal solution already in place by local and state governments and would hold up in a court of law at any supreme court level. There is “NO need” to change or amend the constitutions on the federal or state levels if an agreement is the final consensus.

Q.2. ) If your faith taught you that it was your religious duty to “get involved” in the secular world (assuming that it doesn’t) to ensure that the secular world conforms to the teachings of God (as they understand them), what would you do when a different religious group complained that their religious freedom was being denied as a result? Would you exempt them? Would you punish them for not acquiescing? Would you decide that any negative consequences for them were brought about by their refusal to comply with the Will of God?

A.2. ) Again, I would do the time in prison if forced to do something that went against my beliefs, Although, I might consider an common solution for other parties but only after much discourse on the matter. Punishment is not what I was taught as a solution to the problems that come by secular means. Diplomacy and Compromise if rendered fair between all parties seems to be a more preferred way of coming to a conclusion to any situation.

However, if those negotiations break down as a result of one party not being willing to compromise, than as in many cases the majority rule is imposed by the other parties and made to happen, even if by force. Granted that with this option it would be a travesty for many involved or even indirectly involved not to mention that a great deal of unnecessary sufferings would be imposed on both parties. In the Christian Holy Bible Christ says, Render therefore unto Caesar the things which be Caesar’s, and unto God the things which be God’s.
(Luke ch.20. ver.25).

The implantation here is the separation of Church and State but also that we are to do as the law requires unless it is against our beliefs, then we are to take a stand and get involved. In doing so we risk the suffering of many for the common good of all. There is only a problem if there is opposition to what ever cause be the issue of contention. We by faith and by direct communication are taught that we should, in prayer leave our request to the Lord God and have the faith that in doing so, it shall be granted by that measure of faith.

So sitting back and doing nothing is to me not relevant but sitting back knowing that I could do something about what ever situation was at hand and then still choosing to do nothing would constitute a mortal sin for not complying an effort to render the situation to a conclusion that complied to the belief that Christ taught us and commanded us, which is to love thy neighbor as thy self.

So in other words, if I don’t want it to happen to me, then why would I want it to happen to someone else. In this case it is not an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. It is rather about Christian Love.  Fight when backed into a corner but only as a last result, justifying it to those same principles.

Rev.Fr. Andrew R. M. Manley


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Rev. Chris Richard
This course work on Christian History was one of two courses I have been taking over the past twenty weeks, and I believe that I have learned a great deal of information; most of which I did not know beforehand. I found many things new and exciting and others new and disappointing.

I was really surprised in what I read in the first lesson of how the Roman Empire was the start of the spread of the Christian gospel; no other ancient empire has ever been able to unite with each other, until the rise of Rome. My heritage is Roman; it was fascinating to learn some of their history. I really enjoyed lesson two when the qualities, work, and character of Jesus Christ was discussed. His personality was not separated from all of the work that He did. He is the only one on earth that had nothing to hide and was always faithful and kind to humanity, even at the sacrifice of his own life. His ministry and everything He accomplished before He was crucified is extraordinary. All of the miracles that He did really revealed His glory and power. Jesus’ greatness was especially shown when He was resurrected three days after dying on the cross. I also learned that Jesus gave the Christian message to the Jews first. He wanted them to spread the Good News all around the world and with them doing so He gave them the Holy Spirit to empower them while they spread the word of God. I have never realized that Judaism was the beginning of Christianity.
I was very disappointed when I read lesson seven in which it was discussed that the Romans persecuted the Christians because they thought that they were a secret society. The Romans destroyed all the Christian Churches, meetings were shut down, and those who confessed they were Christians were thrown into prison, and so many were killed. The Romans also stated that there was no such thing as private religion. It didn’t seem fair to me that the Romans did not adopt a mindset regarding freedom of Religion. We are very privileged to live in a country today where such a freedom is granted. Many Societies have come so far since the Roman Empire ruled the “world.”
I enjoyed reading about the best of the Church fathers. There were many Church fathers, but I think Augustine was the greatest. He was the creator of the Christian historiography that is still used today. Pope Gregory I played another major role in Christian History. While he was bishop of Rome, the greatest accomplishment he made was the expansion of papal power. He did this so that he could assert the spiritual supremacy of the Roman bishop, among other goals. Once this was accomplished, Christian Churches were transformed from being ancient to medieval. All bishops who came after Pope Gregory I followed in his foot steps. Pope Gregory’s accomplishments shaped the Church into the middle ages.
I really enjoyed this course on Christian history. I like how the literature was explained in a detailed, yet a simple way. I’m looking forward to starting the next course.

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Rev. Long created the ULC seminary site to help ministers learn and grow their ministries. The Seminary offers a huge catalog of materials for ministers of the Universal Life Church, as well as an online seminary program and a chaplaincy program.
Rev. Chris Richard
Master of Religion was an interesting course. I believe I learned a great deal about the history of our Bible and its authors, as well as other denominational religions.
I really enjoyed reading more about the Old Testament. I learned that it is the oldest and most original part of the Bible. It teaches of The Ten Commandments, which are the “house rules” for mankind. There is only a slight difference among other religions in the wording and order of the Commandments, but they are all the same in importance in each differing denomination. I do believe, personally, that we should try our best to live our lives following the “rules” of God. I also liked reading about how the Bible reflects God’s Word in the first lesson. It shows us everything God stated has come true. All the stories and prophecies in the Old Testament are true about any situation that was recorded. Take “Noah and the Ark” for example; God spoke to Noah and told him to prepare for a massive flood which would come and destroy everything. Noah told everyone about the flood and no one believed him. There has been a great deal of historic and scientific proof of a great flood as well as proof of many other prophecies in the Old Testament. This only solidifies my belief in the Almighty.
I also found history of The New Testament quite astonishing. For me, it’s much easier to read and understand than The Old Testament. It seems The New Testament is actually taught more in Christian Churches today than The Old Testament is. It was educational to read more about the authors of The New Testament and what roles they played in Christian History. I’m impressed at how many of the books Paul wrote. The other Apostles played a major role in the creation of The New Testament; however, Paul seems to have written the majority, in turn giving us the most information.
I am so thankful for fact that God will forgive us of our sins and that He was so very loving to have given His only Son so that we may live. We need only ask Him to forgive us and repent all wrong doing. I greatly enjoyed this course of Master of Religion program. I do believe that this is a great start to becoming a better Christian leader to others.


To ordain yourself with the Universal Life Church, for free, for life, right now, click on the Free Online Ordination link.

Rev. Long created the ULC seminary site to help ministers learn and grow their ministries. The Seminary offers a huge catalog of materials for ministers of the Universal Life Church, as well as an online seminary program and a chaplaincy program.

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Final Essay
Judith G. Wolf, Ph.D.
This is a dynamic course, one which should absolutely not be missed. As stated first and foremost by the author, the purpose of this course is to actualize our spiritual potential. He then proceeds to help us with this Quest; to meet and know the divine within and without. I love the metaphor of dialing in our spiritual radios to clearer stations or shining a cleaner light to achieve Mindful Living with focus on the Quest.
It stands to reason that if energy follows thought, we need to live mindfully with purpose and with focus to make any sort of progress. Clearer Light or clearer stations translate to FOCUS; that is, Mindful Living with a Focus on the Quest. The end of the Quest is the knowledge that in our core nature we are divine. According to the author we have forgotten that are divine. This course clears the way to remembrance.
There are so many positives, so many truths and exercises to reach these truths that I could not possibly cover them or even try in this essay. Instead I would rather comment on the two experiences that evolved from the course and it’s exercises.
The first is the meditative method for meeting your soul. Called the Self Inquiry Method. This method requires that you ask the question, “Who Am I Really?” When the answer comes back, attend to it, appreciate it and then keep going deeper by saying, That’s fine BUT “Who Am I Really.” It is suggested that we do this nightly or whenever it occurs to us.
My experience has been marvelous. In no time I had penetrated layers and was floating in the cosmos; part of ALL THAT IS. After several days I had the distinct feeling that I AM divine. It is a wonderful place to return to over and over. I feel lucky because it took so little time to achieve this, I feel I have a marvelous place to go to and a new tool to use. Putting these experiences into words is not easy and I would not want anyone to think my responses diminish the divine in any. The experience is tremendously expansive and joyful, one for which to be grateful.
The second major plus is Generative Visualization – when you ask your inner wisdom for answers. I have been doing this for years talking to my Spirit Guide and Teachers. BUT as a result of this course I know I am not “crazy.” I can now use this skill attentively and joyfully.
Again I cannot recommend this course highly enough. A real winner.
Ordination with the Universal Life Church, is free,  and lasts for life, so use the Free Online Ordination, button.

The  ULC, run by Rev. Long, has created a chaplaincy program to help train our ministers. We also have a huge catalog of Universal Life Church materials.  I’ve been ordained with the Universal Life Church for many years and it’s Seminary since the beginning and have loved watching the continual growth of the seminary.

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I learned overall that there is a far deeper connection between those in the healing profession than I had previously known of or thought about, both past and present and that both have had a significant impact on each other.

I also learned that I can use parts of the lessons to harness and fine tune parts of my own abilities that still need the rough edges smoothed.

I learned that the abilities I have in terms of healing can be fine tuned with a little effort and practice.

I like the fact that I can re visit some of the lessons to hone and fine tune some parts of my abilities.

I don’t really think there was very much to dislike about this course, except reading on and on about the African Healers was a slight bit tedious.
I have more connection to Native American Healers.
Overall, the course was fascinating.

What I can relate to in terms of this course, is that I have already been doing healing for others for several years, with a great deal of success.

Although what I do is quite a bit different, as most of my work is distance instead of hands on, as per being a shut in and recluse, I don’t do anything to bring on these abilities, except to be able to do deep visualization, sending that energy from my heart chakra.
For example; When my Grandmother broke her arm, I felt it in my own arm.

I was able to go to her at night, as she slept, as my Astral or Higher Self, placing a “White Light Cast” over her arm, allowing it to heal more quickly, much to the surprise of her doctors.

They were stunned with the rate of speed at which her arm healed.
All it requires now, is just a brace.

I think I would like to know more about seeing Auras, although I will likely go back and try to re study that lesson again, to see if I can fine tune that.

I will also see if I can try to complete the lessons that I was not able to or complete to any degree.

Rev. Bryan


To ordain yourself with the Universal Life Church, for free, for life, right now, click on the Free Online Ordination link.

Rev. Long created the ULC seminary site to help ministers learn and grow their ministries. The Seminary offers a huge catalog of materials for ministers of the Universal Life Church, as well as an online seminary program and a chaplaincy program.

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The Buddhism course gave me an appreciation for the universal truth of the Dharma.  I personally see the Dharma as a living entity that exists beyond the boundaries of remembered teaching and as a common reality between potentially opposing philosophies and beliefs.  It is the way of practice and not theory and speculation.  It is the way things are.  I can find it in most of the worlds religions and spiritual teachings as well as in art, poetry, music and works of compassion.  Buddha’s journey appears free from attachment to dogmatic views and shows the importance of a personal approach and the avoidance of a non-authoritian perspective. 

Some say that because the Buddha found it necessary to leave home and seek enlightenment, his message is that it is only possible to be enlightened if your are a monk.  I disagree!  I see everyone’s journey to enlightenment as a personal and autonomous endeavor.  Buddhism is far from external forms.  You don’t have to study long and involved scriptures, eat only special kind of food, wear any special clothes, attend a church, chant or even meditate. 

Buddha’s realistic statements as to the realities of life are explained well in the Four Noble Truths.  Many people appear to advocate a personal existential approach with the attraction being permanent bliss free from suffering.  But the Buddha emphasized that both happy and sad times come to an end and that we suffer by worrying about what we might lose or gain.  This advocates an attitude in me that is open to experience including the awareness of personal attachments that perpetuate suffering.  We all crave sensations of various kinds and if they are pleasurable, we crave their repetition. 

What appealed most to me about the course is Zen and it’s emphasis on clearing the mind.  As the Buddha put it in the Dhammapada, “everything is based on the mind, is led by the mind, is fashioned by the mind”.  In other words, if you speak and act with a polluted mind, suffering will follow you as the wheels of ox cart follow the footsteps of the ox.  If you speak and act with a pure mind, happiness will follow you as a shadow clings to form.  I find that the Zen idea of a polluted mind is quite different from the traditional Christian perspective, which dictates that “impure” thoughts be rooted out and eliminated. 

What pollutes the mind in Buddhist view is our desire to get life to conform to our peculiar notion of how things should be as opposed to how they really are.  The point of Zen practice is to make you aware of the thoughts that run your life and diminish their power over you.  One of the fundamental tools for doing that is a form of sitting called “Zazen”.  In Zazen practice, concentration comes not from trying hard to focus on something, but from keeping your mind open and directing it at nothing.  Sitting zazen, I learned to trust the moment – to be as mindfully as possible so I could react spontaneously to whatever was taking place.

Another aspect of Zen that intruged me was it’s emphasis on compassion.  The goal of Zen is not just to clear the mind, but to open the heart as well.  The two are interrelated and I would say that awareness is the seed of compassion.  As we begin to notice ourselves and others, just as we are, without judgment, compassion flows naturally.  When I was a boy, I was caught up in the mental aspects of worship, sort of building a wall in my mind with prayer and quotations from the Bible, that I lost track of the essence of Christianity.  By practicing Zen, I was able to clear my mind of all that interference and look upon my heart again.

It is also clear to me that the Buddha recognized the Dharma would be subject to change as all things are.  The teachings of Siddhartha changed as they traveled.  As aspects of the Dharma were emphasized and developed within separate sangas, new schools of were encouraged. As a result of this development, sects were created holding opposing beliefs, some which separated the ordained monks and nuns from the lay people.  Because influences and teachings come from a variety of traditions and countries, it appears to me that we do not have a coherent Western sanga.  In my opinion, what we have instead is a number of sanga’s held together with the label “Buddhism“.  From this, I’m inspired to think of Western Buddhism as an objective Buddhism developed by observing the many fractions as a whole. 



To ordain yourself with the Universal Life Church, for free, for life, right now, click on the Free Online Ordination link.

Rev. Long created the ULC seminary site to help ministers learn and grow their ministries. The Seminary offers a huge catalog of materials for ministers of the Universal Life Church, as well as an online seminary program and a chaplaincy program.
This is the continuation of my essay on the Master of Religion series.

 The lost scriptures.

 Not being a theologian it is hard for me to get into huge detail about this lesson.
 Several years ago I picked up a copy of the Apocrypha which is the old testament books that were left out for whatever reason.

 Probably due to lack of proof it was scripture.

 What I noticed about the common denominators between the Old Testament and the New Testament is that they both share promises of Christs first and second coming
 and both sides of the Bible are invitations for lost man to return to God.

 However when I read this lesson I was kind of annoyed. It is no different than the media censoring what news we do and do not see.

 The biblical scholars and theologians in all of their wisdom have decided for us what is and is not worthy of cannonizing as scripture.

 I believe the scriptures that are not included in the bible should be readily available in book stores and churches so we can make our own informed decisions on
 what God has to say to us.

 I am however confident that God has the ability to protect and preserve his word. It is after all what many prophets have lived and died for and even one book in the
 bible is enough information by itself for a church to thrive on.

 I have heard it said in some countries where the church is persecuted that the members have a bible with all the books pulled apart and each home takes a turn with one or two of the books. So Gods word is powerful and efficient in even small doses if we pray for Gods wisdom.

 The Trinity.

  This is a huge subject and I am glad this lesson covered it.
  I have noticed a lot of churches are scared off by this topic and even a lot of my friends think it is off limits to debate.

  The thing is that the word trinity does not exist in the bible and if the issue of the 3 aspects of God described in the Bible must be addressed then this is how I see it. “Hear, O Israel: the Lord our God, the Lord is one,” found in Deuteronomy 6:4.

  We are dealing with one God with 3 aspects he has revealed to us. He is a Father to us and his holy spirit would be his driving force or his will.

  In the bible such as in Judges when it says the spirit of God stirred in Samson the very will of God came on him to do Gods work.

  When Mary conceived of the Spirit of God she conceived of the will/the purpose/the driving force of God. A part of God came into this world to take away from men what we could not do through the law (as good as it was it was imperfect in our hands) and God took over the sacrifice through  Jesus which is Gods word made flesh.

  How many parts or dimensions of God are there? I believe there is much more to God than we have been shown, but God has shown us enough to love him and  to come to him. Anything beyond that would probably not be conducive to producing the salvation God desires.

  But this lesson was still good in showing the history of the trinity and how it got started. This is one of the lessons I plan on going into further.
  As for the other lessons I will have to continue on them later.

 Thank you. Colin Burgess.


The Universal Life Church is a comprehensive online seminary where we have classes in Christianity, Wicca, Paganism, two courses in Metaphysics and much more.

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The  ULC, run by Rev. Long, has created a chaplaincy program to help train our ministers. We also have a huge catalog of Universal Life Church materials.  I’ve been ordained with the Universal Life Church for many years and it’s Seminary since the beginning and have loved watching the continual growth of the seminary.

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Master of Metaphysics
Rev. Justin Oles
It’s interesting to see how many of these courses written by completely different people, on completely different topics cover the same basic material. Spirit Quest is another one of those. It covered giving and receiving energy as well as grounding, some main points of several courses. Rev. Long’s way of doing things involving “roses” and “golden suns” is very similar to things I’ve read in other ULC Seminary Courses as well as things I’ve read in books prior to now and other courses such as the Ar nDraiocht Fein and Order of Bards, Ovates, and Druids course work. The “golden sun” part is basically the same throughout every course I have ever taken. The “rose” technique is used throughout although this is the first time I’ve seen a rose used. I like the symbolism although it’s not overly effective to me, probably largely because of the effeminate connotations that go with it. Rev. Long also helps to drive a lot of her points home by using personal examples.
While these examples don’t apply to everyone they make it easier to understand and in many cases relate. At times I found myself wandering away from the course because of the repetitiveness of the course and the sometimes silly thoughts it evoked in my mind. I’m a spiritualist but at the same time possess a rational and logical mind that has a hard time going along with things that seem fanciful or silly. Once I pulled myself back on track though I normally found that while her exact technique didn’t play well with me I could modify small bits to get the same effect. One that I never got past was the rose. In the case of the destruction rose it was easier for me to just picture whatever it was I wanted to destroy blowing up than bothering to picture putting it in a rose. For the cleaning techniques I found that just visualizing something similar to a cotton swab accomplished the same task as the rose was meant to. All in all this was a good course and like most ULC Seminary courses, I enjoyed it and would recommend it to others.
Ordination with the Universal Life Church, is free,  and lasts for life, so use the Free Online Ordination, button.

The  ULC, run by Rev. Long, has created a chaplaincy program to help train our ministers. We also have a huge catalog of Universal Life Church materials.  I’ve been ordained with the Universal Life Church for many years and it’s Seminary since the beginning and have loved watching the continual growth of the seminary.

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Master of Religious Philosophy

It truly has been a wonderful experience to take this course. I have always found Philosophy interesting in all aspects of the word, but this course is different in several ways. One being, that it is dedicated to the religions and personal beliefs of our planet past, present, and to some degree the future.

I know I’m a lot more informed now than I was, even though I have studied many different religions both secular and non secular in respects before. One of the more interesting though was the Hare Krishna’s. Back in the early 1980’s I actually joined the priesthood of a temple in San Diego, California and became known as a Bakta in the Hindu faith. Just so I could try and understand who these people were and what they believed. It was an experience that has aided me many times in my life to deal with individuals from India that were Hindu. It’s strange to them to see how much I know about their religion and it becomes a common starting point of respect between us.

This course is much like that experience in my life, it has opened my eyes and my heart to other types of briefs that not many people are willing to try to understand. Granted it is only a beginning point of study, but it has tripped my intuitive side and I am sure I will not stop with just this course. No matter what, it is a great course to start with, when trying to understand what faith is and what others hold true to their knowledge and hearts. The fact is that this course takes you to the beginning of mankind and speaks about the archeological findings that support the prehistoric cultures and their beliefs. And then takes you to a discussion of what the future of religion will look like, if it survives humanity.

I hope whoever reads this, will take seriously the intention behind it, it is my pleasure to be able to help you to decide to take this wonderful course. It will offer you an insight on the world and peoples in your neighborhood and give you the opportunities to break through barriers that have stood the test of time. So don’t hesitate to sign up today for this course. It is a rare opportunity that you have today to learn something new, different, and exciting.

Rev.Fr. Andrew R. M. Manley


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