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In the reading of this course and some additional research I have done, I can see the similarities between science and the Bible, as well as the differences. In my own personal spiritual path, we believe that all Gods are one God. They just go by different names. In this course, I believe it to be the same, even with science-minded people. Whether they believe there is a God or not, they do believe there is a higher power. Even if that higher power is numbers, they see it as something greater then themselves.
 I would like to address the creation hypotheses for a moment. In Genesis 1:1-3,
1. In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
2. The earth was without form, and void; and darkness was on the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters.
3. Then God said “let there be light”; and there was light.
Can we see how this can correlate with science and the Big Bang Theory? As a child growing up and attending church we were told that a life-time to us was but a blink of an eye to God. The way I see this is that if the blink of an eye to God is but a hundred years, a day would be thousands, if not more. (No one can ever be sure of this). No one is ever sure if indeed there was a “Big Bang”. Other than scientists knowing that the universe is expanding and that it had to start from somewhere, no one knows for sure. Just like the Bible. No one knows for sure if this is how creation was actually started. But I do believe that they go hand in hand.
Science Vs. The Bible.
The Theory of Evolution:
 Charles Darwin’s theory that life came from the oceans again coincides with parts of the Bible. Genesis 1:20-21.
 Then God said, “Let the waters abound with an abundance of living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth across the face of the firmament of the heavens.”
 So God created great sea creatures and every living thing that moves, with which the waters abounded, according to their kind, and every winged bird according to its kind. And God saw this and it was good.
 This was the fifth day.
Genesis 1:26-27
 Then God said, “Let us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.”
 So God created man in His own image; in the image of God he created him; male and female He created them.
 Darwin’s theory that life came from the ocean could be true. Again, no one knows for sure. Who is to say that the time that passes in a day to God could be hundred of thousands or Millions of years and in Darwin’s theory, with time on our side being ever so slow compared to that of God’s, it could indeed seem that man came from the ocean; that this is where life started.
 There is a beautiful analogy that I believe covers all religions, faiths, spiritual paths and belief systems, science and so forth.
 Imagine if you would, a beautiful mountain. On top of that mountain is God, Mohammad, Allah, The Goddess, Shiva, the Master Architect or whatever Higher Power one may believe in.
 Everyone wants to get to the top of this mountain. There are many different paths for people to take. People need to find the path that is right for them.
nbsp;Now some people tell others about their path and that their path is the right one, the only way and to follow them. They lead them to the top.
 Some people tell others they know the best path to take to get to the top and in doing so trying to get everyone to follow them, wind up only going in circles at the base of this mountain.
 Some people may take an easy route, while others tend to take a harder path, all to attain the same dissension. Some people’s path may be lonely and they go solo. Others are in groups with support. It doesn’t matter how you get to the top only that one tries. 
 Some people sit at the bottom of this mountain trying to calculate the best way to get to the top. Others wonder why bother? Maybe they will find another mountain they will come to climb.
 The above analogy illustrates how God is inside each and every one of us. To some it could be the Great Mother, and to others it could be this gray haired, bearded older man or it could be the infinity symbol. I believe that this Omnipotence comes to us in whatever why it sees best for the individual.
 I have always believed in the thought process that the cup is half full, rather then half empty. All belief systems are beautiful, no matter what they may be. Science has some wonderful theories, as does religion. I believe they all go hand in hand. No matter what path one may walk.  
All Gods are one God.   

Rev. Hope Macdonald-Vellone

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As a long time member of ULC, Rev. Long created the seminary site to help train our ministers. We also have a huge catalog of Universal Life Church materials.  As an ordained minister with the Universal Life Church for many years and it’s Seminary since the beginning, I’ve enjoyed watching the continual growth of the seminary.

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Rev Don Eck

I have never been one to be able to relax and meditate without my mind wondering off on some event that took place during the day or the day before.  From the Spirit Quest to the Awareness class I have been able to actually finally after years meditate without letting myself be distracted.
By following the outline and lessons in these two classes I have been able to actual begin to become aware of things in my past and present life and how all these events and people have shaped me into the being that I am today.
I am now able to not only feel the energy that the Universe provides us but absorb that energy and gain a positive approach to life in all relationships at home and in business.
In the lesson on Our Need for Energy studying the “Parent”, “Child” and “Adult” ego reaffirmed and brought to mind the things I learned years ago in college.  This lesson has helped me to become conscious of what’s not working and I have been able to make changes in my actions to some of these things.  I am still working on some actions but this lesson was real to me and I will continue to work on myself in this area.
From this lesson on it was read, do the assignments, read, do the assignments and read, do the assignments.  I have had people that I work with tell me that I have changed in the last few months.  They say I am more relaxed and actually giving out lots of positive energy in the workplace. 
Thank you for these great courses. Lives do change  if one follows the lessons as assigned in each lesson.
Rev. Don Eck


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Rev. Long created the ULC seminary site to help ministers learn and grow their ministries. The Seminary offers a huge catalog of materials for ministers of the Universal Life Church
Masters of Spiritual Awareness Final Essay
Rev. Barry Deel

            When I decided to take the spiritual awareness course I was in a time of my life when I had become disconnected from my own spiritual path that I had chosen.  I was trying to find a way to fan the flame that I had so become depended upon in my life.  I had become bitter and resentful of all the situations and people involved that seemed to be some how against me or out to hurt me.  I had thrown all my beliefs out the window and stopped using the lessons that I had learned over my life to guide myself through this time.  I had even thought that I had lost my connection to Divinity and thought that my chosen gods and goddesses had turned from me leaving me alone and without any reason as to why they would have done this. 

I spent many hours in self-loathing and pity cursing the fact that I had made really bad choices.  I was going around asking people that I knew and thought that I could trust beyond a shadow of a doubt to see if they could help shed some light on what I was going through, but they could not give any information or reasons that made any sense.  So, I decided that I need to take a good look at myself and see what I could find.  All that I could come up with was the fact that I had an urge that was very strong to learn something but not knowing what it was I had no where to even start looking for this new learning. 

When, I would be out and about among the people that had some how hurt me I would here about the ULC in some way or form.  The ULC kept coming up, coincidence, I don’t think so.  I thought what the heck, I am a member of the ULC and what could it hurt to see what they had to offer.  Well, I found that the ULC was exactly what I needed and was looking for.  The first course I took was the Maters of Metaphysical healing do to the fact that I was a Healer with my own practice I figure that I would use this course to judge the validity of the lessons offered.  By the time I had finished the twenty week course I had come to realize that this was “It”.  I found myself going through the courses being offered and deciding which courses that I wanted to take after I had completed the metaphysical healing course.  At that moment when I made the choice to continue with the learning provided by the ULC the courses lined up on there own as to which would be next and all the way to the last course.  I knew right then and there that my divinity had not stopped talking, but, that I had stopped listening.  Once that connection had been realized within me the flame of my spirit sparked and began to burn though it was not as bright as it had been in the past.  I realized that my divinity had wanted me to return to a beginning point to reassess my life and what I had learned. 

            The masters of spiritual awareness began with a very simple insight, find beauty in life.  This insight was so simple and so easy that I thought what in the world are they trying to convey?  Well, even the simplest of things and actions can have the impact of a lightning strike.  I followed the lessons of the awareness course and practiced the techniques and found that the flame of my spirit was getting brighter. 

As all of this was going on I realized that the course was teaching me the same things that I had already done in my life and practice when I started out on my chosen spiritual path.  It was like a homecoming to me and every time I made a connection with what was being taught and my earlier years I would found myself laughing.  Yes, at my self for being so stupid in forgetting were I had come from.  I had gotten caught up in my mundane life of trying to make money, pay bills, meet my needs that I had lost myself and had forgotten my vision and purpose, which I now understand to be the incorrect choice, not the wrong choice.  Due to the fact that I now know I am fulfilling my vision.  But, everything in life needs to be in balance.  The spiritual awareness course was just what I needed to reassess and become even more connected in my spiritual practice and balanced in everyday life. 

By becoming aware of the coincidences in my life and truly looking at them I now have had great opportunities arise that I thought that I would never have in this life time.  The Spiritual awareness course was a spiritual life preserver for me and I would recommend it to anyone who feels or thinks that they are not connected to divinity or to life.


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As a long time member of ULC, Rev. Long created the seminary site to help train our ministers. We also have a huge catalog of Universal Life Church materials.  I’ve been ordained with the Universal Life Church for many years and it’s Seminary since the beginning and have loved watching the continual growth of the seminary.

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Dr. of Spiritual Awareness Final Essay by Rev Sharon J. Mayer

I used this course to build on the information learned in previous classes I have taken through UL C Seminary. It is much more intense and involved than the wonderful Spirit Quest course, which should be taken before this class is attempted. The instructors are very knowledgeable and each new concept is explained in terms that anyone can understand. Since the concepts and practice, as presented, were complete I did not use other texts or interpretations of ideas or practices during the course.

Each concept of learning was building upon another. I was so glad to read that not all beings are not able to do all things. So many times I have read that one should just do this or that and everyone who tries is able to see auras, or project good feelings or health to all. At one point I had given up trying and believe that is when my life was in a downward spiral. It has taken me forever to come to terms with where I should be on my path and all because I misunderstood where I should be and what I personally could do or accomplish.   The ideas presented in this course of  Spiritual Awareness is to go at your own speed and practice until you attain the desired level, but if it does not come you are just not to that level on your path as yet. 

The explanation of the Laws was new to me and explained in details that I was able to understand. Many of them I had not heard of before but during the lessons when we were to explore our feelings and understanding I was able to see where each came into play in my own life. I may never attain a high mastery of the all information given but I feel better about what I can do, what I must work on, and what I never might be able to do at this point.  

The course has shown me that I must never feel inferior or give up again. It is very hard to maintain a positive attitude and give of your energy all the time. I believe my next step is to find a way to have more positive energy given to me on a continual basis. Right now that does not seem to be the case. I try very hard to use other energy instead of my own but it seem at present I am in an area of my life where there is more negative energy directed toward me than external positive energy I have been  working on sending to other.  I will be working on that in the time to come.  I have reached a point of self-love which should help and I no longer feel that I have to do things to please others so my esteem is maintained in my own mind. I am finding my own pace and quiet time to enrich my own nature.

The weeks that have been spent with the lessons are showing an improvement in my well-being and it will be an on-going growth to reach higher levels and goals. This is not a read, learn, and put away class. It is a continual process of growth and the lessons given in the course will assist with the progress I am able to make. I do see very positive change in thought and feelings. I am learning self-love and that it is fine to care about yourself and not selfish at all in doing so to enable you to give more to others.

Some of the information given was new and I am not sure I can accept all of it at this time but will think about it and try my best to understand. I am new to the lessons of spirituality even after about three years of study. I do have a willing to take all information give to me to move forward in my quest. I have learned from the course that this is normal so it does not worry me as it once would have. Being a person who must understand and study all sides of each idea it may take a while longer for me to accept or reject things but while doing so I am learning and this course  has allowed me to think positively about doing things in that manner.  


Ordination with the Universal Life Church, is free,  and lasts for life, so use the Free Online Ordination, button.

As a long time member of ULC, Rev. Long created the seminary site to help train our ministers. We also have a huge catalog of Universal Life Church  materials.  I’ve been ordained with the Universal Life Church for many years and it’s since the beginning and have loved watching the continual growth of the seminary.

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Awareness Essay
Rev. Sue Bellworthy
1.      A new spiritual awakening is occurring in our culture, an awakening brought about by a large group of individuals who recognize their lives as a spiritual unfolding, a journey in which we are led forward by mysterious circumstances. What sense of Awareness can be gained by adopting the First Insight into your present lifestyle? 
The first insight tells us that there are no coincidences,; instead there are mysterious forces surrounding us which affect our lives and that by becoming aware of these, we can mold our lives into a more productive and satisfying form. We are not victims of fate, for we have the power to change our lives. The skill is in recognizing the external forces and using these in a positive manner rather than allowing them free-rein over us. We need to learn to listen to that inner voice of intuition. There have certainly been many occasions when I failed to heed that inner voice and later wished that I had. So, for me, I will use the first insight to bring me a greater awareness of those things beyond the physical that impact on our lives. I shall develop that inner voice of intuition and shall learn to listen to it, and I shall use all these things to guide my spiritual growth and practice, drawing on all these forces so that I might use them in a good and positive way.
2.      This awakening represents the creation of a new, more complete worldview, which replaces a five-hundred-year-old preoccupation with secular survival and comfort.  While this technological preoccupation was an important step, our awakening to life coincidences is opening us up to the real purpose of human life on this planet and the real nature of our universe.  How or when did you begin to question traditional religious views?  What, if any, reactions did those around you have to those questions you posed?                                                                        
I suppose that I have always been unhappy with traditional religion although it took me a long time to find the path that suited me. It was really thanks to the internet that this finally became possible. The traditional view of an aged God in human form controlling our lives in the manner of the Olympian Gods was an awkward concept, as was the view that man held superiority over all other things – which I found an arrogant attitude. I was also aware of the hypocrisy among many church goers who viewed themselves as “good Christians” but didn’t show it in their behaviour. I had always felt closest to deity outside, in the wonder of the whole of creation, for that is where the wonder of deity is to be found. Turning away from the supposed mainstream religion is never easy, and, like many, I have kept my religious and spiritual life secret. Many are too quick to judge, too unwilling to understand other faiths and it is safer to avoid precipitating prejudice. This xenophobic attitude permeates so much of society and is the cause of so much violence, discrimination and war. It is time that society as a whole opened its eyes and adopted a new, accepting and peaceful attitude. Maybe one day it will come, but for now it is a distant dream.
3.      Too often humans cut themselves off from the greater source of this energy and so feel weak and insecure.  To gain energy we tend to manipulate or force others to give us attention and thus energy.  When we successfully dominate others in this way, we feel more powerful, but they are left weakened and often fight back. Competition for scarce human energy is the cause of all conflict between people.  Discuss the lessons of the Fourth Insight in how it affects your life.  What does this Insight teach you about the reasons why humans treat each other in such a violent manner? 
The fourth insight teaches us about power, what it is and how we use it for good or ill. But it shows us that we can gain energy and power without drawing it from others, and it shows us how to avoid being drained by other people. There was a recent re-run of a 1960s experiment which had demonstrated how much people enjoy torture. Sadly, the new experiment produced exactly the same results – a sad reflection on humanity. The quest for domination is seen everywhere – within families, within communities, in the work place, among world leaders, and even in the playground. No part of life is exempt. And yet we do not need to follow this route, nor do we need to lay ourselves open to the psychic vampires, or just give too much of ourselves (my usual action). By thinking about our actions, by connecting with the spiritual world, by generating power within and using appropriate shielding, we can gain all the power we need without harm to anyone, and we can protect ourselves from others.   But we need to go one step further, we need to show others how to act in a similar way and this is the long, slow process, but it is something that I am actively trying to do even if it is sadly often a case of “preaching to the converted”, there a
re moments of breakthrough.
4.      Insecurity and violence end when we experience an inner connection with divine energy within, a connection described by the mystics of all traditions.  A sense of lightness — buoyancy — and the constant sensation of love are measures of this connection.  If these measures are present, the connection is real.  If not, it is only pretended.  What method would you use to assist a congregant in learning how he/she can open and share positive energy with others?  Give example of how and when they can do this.
There are so many ways of gaining this connection. One method I use is through guided meditation, taking the congregant on a soft and spiritual journey, in which they can begin to experience that divine connection for there is that moment when conscious visualisation takes on a life of its own and becomes true connection with the divine. Giving the congregant an experience of this connection and the ability to achieve it for themselves is an important first step, but is not the only one. I would also work through prayer – not the ones repeated mindlessly by rote, but new prayers worked out with the congregant that are meaningful. Often saying these regularly and meaningfully with the aid of prayer beads can take the individual to that place of divine connection. As with all things, practice is essential and the connection will become faster and stronger with time. As for sharing with others, the congregant will notice that others are automatically affected simply by the change in his/her attitude, and in his/her energy and aura. The congregant may well be drawn to share the techniques, but this may not always be appropriate and often it is best to simply let the energies flow as they will, rejoicing in their own new-found spiritual place and allowing the benefits of that to filter through to others.
5.      Knowing our personal mission further enhances the flow of mysterious coincidences as we are guided toward our destinies.  First we have a question, then dreams, day-dreams, and intuitions lead us toward the answer, which usually are synchronistically provided by the wisdom of another human being. For you as a minister, what is the lesson found in the Seventh Insight. And how will you use this knowledge in your work?
The seventh insight teaches me that all things have purpose and that we are masters of our own destiny. All the strange coincidences and synchronicities in our lives are meaningful and may be used for positive gain. Whether these guidances come from the divine or via another person is immaterial, the important thing is to connect with all that is happening and to direct it to the desired outcome. As a minister, I shall use the lessons of the seventh insight to guide my spiritual development and my ministry. I shall learn to form a greater connection with these forces, to draw on them and to use them wisely. Through them I shall pass on the benefits to my  congregants. The seventh insight is a learning process, and is one that is very important. Like all the insights I shall adopt it and work with it to achieve maximum benefit. 
6.                  As we all evolve toward the best completion of our spiritual missions, the technological means of survival will be fully automated as humans focus instead on synchronistic growth.  Such growth will move humans into ever-higher energy states, ultimately transforming our bodies into spiritual form and uniting this dimension of existence with the afterlife dimension, ending the cycle of birth and death.  How will society change in the coming millennium as a result of the growth in awareness and conscious evolution?  What is the reason for people being here on this planet?  What is the spiritual intent and meaning of life?
If the growth in awareness and conscious evolution continues and gathers pace we can hope to see a new awakening, a new dawn of greater peace and understanding, a new world of light and happiness. I hope with all my heart that we will reach this stage and will do all I can to aid this process. As for our purpose on this planet. The lesson teaches that we are here to take part in the cosmic evolution and to teach less developed souls than ourselves, taking them towards this awakening. My own view is that we are also here as guardians of our planet – not as masters but rather as caretakers, a role at which we have so far failed miserably. The human mind is yet poorly developed. Research has shown that we use only a minute percentage of the mind power available to us. What wonders will be achieved if we can tap into this enormous resource, how will we and our planet develop as a result? But it is important that this resource is used for good, and maybe this is why the awakening is so slow. It is our job to guide this process through our ministry. What is the spiritual intent and meaning of life? Some would say it is to reach the ultimate state of enlightenment. Maybe this is so, but I believe that we also need to make a positive impact during our lives on our planet and others. We are part of the plan for true cosmic and global awareness. In our ministry we need to foster this development, and we must learn to maintain and strengthen that link with the cosmic energy and with deity.
7.      What is the idea behind becoming multi-sensored beings?  How can you achieve that personally and how can all the lessons in this course help you in your life both as an individual on your own spiritual journey, and as a minister working with congregants in your capacity as a spiritual counselor? There is more to the world than our 5 senses can show us, and as a result there is so much that we are missing. Learning to use our other occult senses is an important step in spiritual development – allowing us to connect to deity, to the planet and to human awareness, and bring about positive change in ourselves, in others and in our world. The lessons in this course have been a revelation, clarifying some things that I had figured out for myself, and bringing multiple other new insights and viewpoints. Our spiritual journeys are ongoing, and these lessons will continue to help me as I progress on my own journey. It is through the practice and understanding of the insights that I can create a new inner awareness and strength, and use this to guide and strengthen my ministry. The lessons in the course have provided many ideas that are adaptable for spiritual lessons in my ministry and has sparked ideas for many more. My goals are both personal spiritual growth and assisting others to achieve their growth; to work towards peace and to protect our world. These insights will aid that process.
8.      Overall, what have you taken from these lessons?  Discuss the various activities and your reaction to them.  Which ones do you feel were most effective, and which, if any, would you consider using in your work with your congregants?
Overall, the lessons have given me another viewpoint, another way of looking at things and so have made clear many things that were previously hazy. The insights are something I shall keep with me always, building on them and growing with them.
There were so many superb activities that it is hard to choose between them and I believe that all will find their place. Examples are the techniques for teaching children, the assignment for capturing a moment of joy and holding onto that feeling, drawing it from the memory and feeling it again; or the exercise teaching increased awareness – of messages, of energy of others, of the whole pattern of life, or the dream work, the practice of mindfulness, the awareness of fears, the awareness of things that influence personal energy flow. All these techniques are perfect to incorporate into spiritual practice, either directly or after adaptation. They all make small and simple exercises that can be slipped into the general lesson, allowing them to work on the subconscious, while bringing the conscious mind to bear. This has been  an outstanding course – my appreciation to ULC and to the course author.
May blessings surround you and your families.


Ordination with the Free Online Ordination button.

The  ULC, run by Rev. Long, has created a chaplaincy program to help train our ministers. We also have a huge catalog of Universal Life Church materials.  I’ve been ordained with Seminary since the beginning and have loved watching the continual growth of the seminary.

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Final Essay on the course for Dr. of Spirituality: Rev. Loretta Siani
Now usually one writes about the content of a course and what one learns. But my personal experience while taking this course showed me its value to me and what I learned became reality. I share this personal experience as my essay on the power of this thought and what I was able to see in my own case. I hope it shows what I have learned and how it worked through my saga.
So I start by saying I have had an interesting time during the passage of time of taking this course. The lessons learned were complex and I am still dwelling on the elements placed in front of me in the course on Spirituality. For during this time, my personal life has been challenged in my heart. I have lost the life of my hero, my father, who succumbed at 87 years old and my mother was injured in the family home while my dad was fighting for his known life in the hospital. My dad lived long enough at, I hope my urging, to celebrate his 87th birthday and then when at the sickest moment he lived to see in my parent’s 65th wedding anniversary one month later.
Now one could ask me what happened during this time and how this course worked for me? Well, an hour before their anniversary day came to be I was with my father at 11:03 p.m. Dad coded and there was a DNR note. However, due to some confusion in the directive, they revived him. I prayed like never before in my life for him to pull through to be able to be alive for he and mom to reach such a huge day of value and meaning for them. Dad was on a ventilator, suffering the beginning of renal failure and he was a victim of pneumonia, heart failure, renal shutting down and blood septicemia, just to mention the most important issues.
Although he was in what was a drug induced state, I held his hand and told him it was okay and that if he wanted to God would let him live long enough to reach such a huge momentous occasion of 65 years of wedded bliss.
Well, I need not tell anyone who has taken this course that I opened my soul to God and told my dad to do the same. The nurses told me they knew he could hear me and he did it,  although never opening his eyes. I cleared myself of all self interest and just prayed. And so the miracle was given to me and my parents. Something no one else probably understood or even cared about, but I was granted such through the grace of the Almighty for opening myself to pure love and affection to the most important person in my life and my hero to boot. I did not ask for me, I asked that God give my dad this one gift and miracle when all the odds were against it and he was basically going to leave his human form. Somehow, it happened and he celebrated his anniversary with just me in the room. My mom was in a rehab facility with a broken vertebra as she slipped while alone in their home and dad was in the hospital. So she could not be there to share in this blessed event. With open heart and all love I had, I let God guide my words to my father to hang in to make it to the day he married my mom.  There was no reason why this happened. I just prayed and gave myself to God’s hand.
Three days later I again was alone in my father’s hospital room and he was now in renal shut down and going to die naturally. It was about 2:10 p.m. that I felt something inside while visiting my mother. I told her I had to go and see dad. So I drove the few miles to his room and once again I saw that this was his time to join the life in God’s arms. I went to his side and told him to fear not as he was in God’s hands now and that he had met his mission of life here on earth and it was okay as he had succeeded at everything he had wanted and it was time for him to find his peace. Of course, this was in prayer, but it was prayer aloud for him to hear and for me again to give of myself and let my dad be given continuing life with God as his holder. I could see that his body was giving up and he took two breaths as I spoke to him and asked him to let God enter his heart to guide him further in everlasting life. Well, there was no fear, no pain and no tears, but he calmly took those two breaths and turned his head a bit and then he was on his way to what stood in front of him forever.
I sat in his room for two and a half hours and the nurses cleaned him up and removed all of the tubes and such. They combed his hair and placed his hands and arms across his abdomen with his wedding ring finger on top of his other hand. I should note that this is so hard to write through my tears as I complete this essay. I was trying to think of how to show what I found out of this course. But, while taking it, the contents found me and provided me with what I needed to handle this process of loosing the most revered person I have ever known.
I prayed continuously for dad to fight when needed and he did so and then I prayed for God to enter his body and cure him of his earthly illness and take him with open arms to his new life. I found the fear I had of seeing him go was nothing. I had prayed for God to help and guide me through the process I was experiencing. I asked for nothing but for God within me to guide my heart and soul/mind to accept this happening. I guess I can say without reservation that the element of the course were not coincidental to my needs for love and to let that miraculously happen. And so it did! I do not know how I was given such strength and guidance, but it came and it came through prayer as the course so indicates and I was given the gift of such. Now it is a month past and I still wonder how I was given such a course and what brought me to take it at the time I did. I did not know in advance hat was waiting for me. I read the course lessons earnestly and took all I could and as things unveiled in front of me I tried my best to use them so I could handle what was given to me. I guess God just decided I needed my miracle and provided me a vehicle to read to help me understand how to find it.
Now I had to speak at one of my dearest friend’s funerals back in January when I first started taking the course.  I thought I did good for the family of my departed friend and colleague and was given various accolades for such a meaningful tribute to a man who I cared about like a brother. But, I had not yet reached the spot of using it for more and now
I find I can give so much more to those in need by prayer and the gift of God’s graces within.
So that is my story about this course. I was going to delineate all of the various lines and sections as I found them relevant, but they found their way into my reality and I hope this summary of events in my life, shows the value I found in this course and its contents. I found things about me I did not know existed within and I do believe that miracles can happen through prayer and love… and God gave them to my father, who by the way was not a particularly religious man. But, as these events unfolded, I kept telling him to realize the God and Great Spirit within himself. And, I found the love and miracles in my heart that were there with God within me….
Amen and thank you for this course!
Adam Rocke, Reverend
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The  ULC, run by Rev. Long, has created a chaplaincy program to help train our ministers. We also have a huge catalog of Universal Life Church materials.  I’ve been ordained with the Universal Life Church for many years and it’s Seminary since the beginning and have loved watching the continual growth of the seminary.

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Essay: What I have learned in this course.
(Looking for the truth in the spiritual world)
My father once said to me: Son, always remember that learning never ends – no matter how old you get.
Now I am 56 and I have to admit that my father was right.
We live in a cruel world, lies at every corner and most of them blend-in perfectly with what we like to hear and our views of how the would ‘ought’ to be.
For 2,000 years we are being told that there is only one savior `Jesus Christ`.
Wars are being fought because we need to defend our countries.
Religious wars are being fought to ‘defend’ our different Gods, given or assigned to us by our churches, who like to dominate us just as governments for their political wars.
Who can you actually trust ?
We are all the same humans, brothers and sisters indeed. And there is only one God in Heaven and this God`s name we do not need to know and neither do we need to kill each other in His name. We are the ones who have given this God different names, beside the other Gods who visited Earth, self-proclaimed Gods, Gods made by humans, Holy messengers and Prophets. Who is the real God ? There can be only one real God in Heaven and that is the almighty God and His name is God (in English) and in another language you might call him differently.
How much do we know about Jesus Christ (New testament) and (Old testament) Joseph in fact / ? What about all the other Gods (whose names I will not mention now), are they fake Gods or fake Sons of Gods ? Certainly not !
What about the great (Genesis) flood / And, what about the Epic of Gilgamesh (around 2,600 BC) ?
What about Moses (Sargon), and all the other `moses-like-human prophets before;
in Babylon it was Nemo (10 tablets)
in India it was Manou (10 tablets)
in Crete it was Minos (10 tablets)
in Egypt it was Moses (10 tablets)
… and have you ever sought about the ending in our prayers: AMEN ? Where does it come from and what does it actually mean ? Are we worshiping Amen-Ra / Sun-God ?
Are we really knowing the truth about Earth and Humans and their Gods, or are we just living in a great Disney Land ?
Is everything just developed for political reasons so that religion can be used for slavery ?
Religion is a myth indeed, it is not debatable nor questionable, it
is divine authority.
At young age I quit religion and I found it again through the ULC, especially the Spiritual course they offered.
In the end that is all I had left, a broken-view regarding religion and belief. All there was left in me was the Spiritual belief.
It is rather difficult to build-up that belief without some help of an spiritual advisor. Then the praying, we all pray for so much, but then is it right to pray that much ? And what kind of prayer is correct ? To whom should we pray ?
Beside weddings I do counseling of all kinds and children support, visit hospitals and prisons were I meet all kind of different nationals and human characters. I do not use the cross, of course when I am forced to use it then inside my heart I think of Jesus Christ but still fighting with my inner-self then. I rather wear a pair of praying hands instead of a cross.
Spiritual belief in the (Nameless) Almighty God is my belief and I consider myself an International Christian who welcomes all Gods and all other Religions for the purpose of uniting all humans together again.
The Free-Will being given of being able to choose an religion (Universal religious belief) and practicing it as granted to me by the ULC means a lot to me and the most-high in heaven will certainly agree to that. Arguing about religion is a waste of time, since all religious books are either partially incorrect, misinterpreted and anyway are not fully proven to be correct. Better be spiritual and study about Astronomy, Astrology and Archeology and really help-out others and then you will be on the right track.
Most of the people say they are spiritual, because they do not know anything about religion, neither won`t have anything to do with it for personal or other reasons. The question is just `Do They Understand Spirituality` ? Maybe 90% does not. Rev. Dr. Loretta Siani has been a helping hand to me with her lessons, Spiritual prayers and the deeper meaning of it. Of course not everything is according my spiritual belief, what she has taught me, but she awakened inside me the deeper free-spiritual thinking and in the end that is all I hoped to happen. Reading, learning, processing and sorting-out with a clear and free-thinking and feeling mind is important in order to evolve to the next spiritual step (per aspera ad astra). No human is perfect, no book is correct but we can correct our current dependent mind (s) and thinking as long as we keep ourselves open and uninfluenced to choose a new or different way of thinking according our heart and independent open mind. Whatever we read or study does not mean that we have to accept everything what is written or being said, but without studying and freely considering a learning process is not possible.
Spirituality is something you can not touch, not buy, not be given to but only slowly learn through study and life experiences and an open mind and an clean heart, otherwise the spiritual picture will not be visible and the guideline is not there.
I like to thank the ULC and Dr. Siani for their kind support till now and I like to encourage my other Pastor-Reverend brothers here on Earth to keep an open mind and always consider the cost of misusing the most powerful weapon `Religion` in the name of our most high GOD.
Blessed are those who spiritually support their brothers and sisters.
Brother Georg – Japan

The Universal Life Church is a comprehensive online seminary where we have various classes in Christianity, one on Wicca, along with several Pagan courses, more than a few courses about Metaphysics with more being added regularly.
Ordination with the Universal Life Church, is free, legal and lasts for life, so please take advantage of our Free Online Ordination.
The  ULC, run by Rev. Long, has created a chaplaincy program to help train our ministers. We also have a huge catalog of minister supplies.  I’ve been ordained with the Universal Life Church for many years and am proud to have started the Seminary.
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The Insight Into Awareness course is based on the ten insights presented in the Celestine Prophecy. It is a wonderful course that can be easily applied to provide intense spiritual growth. I loved this course!
The First Insight is the awakening. It talks about an awakening that is currently occurring on the planet. There is a critical mass of people who are experiencing their lives as a spiritual unfolding through meaningful and mysterious coincidences. As we begin to pay attention to the coincidences, we notice more of them. This is the realization that the divine is leading us in a particular direction to fulfill our mission. Many times we do not recognize the “blessing in disguise” until later. An example in my life was when I decided to take a class in herbal medicine. I loved it and thought it was fun, so I became involved in an herbal apprenticeship class for 7 months. I still wanted to know more after that 7 month class, so I decided to look for a degree program and found one that fit my needs (and budget). Five years later, I have a doctorate in natural health and will open a business in a few years when the finances allow for it. This will help me fulfill my mission of helping others with their health and stress.
The Second Insight is called the “longer now”. People are becoming more aware of the purpose of our lives on this planet and the real nature of the universe. We are spiritual beings with a spiritual nature. This new focus replaces the preoccupation with technology and the gaining of material comforts. In the past, I was always focused on my career, being promoted and being a super-achiever. At a point in time (when my Dad passed away), I became much more focused on spirituality. My focus increased considerably when my mother passed away a couple of years later.
The Third Insight is about energy and the fact that our universe is composed of dynamic energy, not matter as we had previously thought. This energy is sacred and through projections, people can focus this energy and increase the number and pace of the coincidences. Wherever we focus our energy, is where the energy flows. I became aware of this truth with my Reiki training and am now a Reiki master. With the constant use of Reiki, my understanding of this truth expands.
The Fourth Insight makes us aware that we are in a struggle for power. Too often we cut ourselves off from the source of energy. We tend to compete for other people’s energy by wanting attention. This competition for scarce human energy is what causes conflict. This insight explains why there is conflict within families—especially between parents and children.
The Fifth Insight teaches us that when we tap the source of divine energy within us, all of the conflict and violence ceases. This is the message of the mystics. Once we make this connection, we feel light and a constant sensation of love. I have found one way of making this connection is through meditation and Reiki.
The Sixth Insight show us when we tend to lose connection… usually when we are under stress. We become aware of when we manipulate other people’s energy and steal it. The more we become aware of when we are connected and when we lose connection, the more connected we will stay.
We also must recognize what our parents gave us, how we are using it and then clear the past so we can eliminate our control dramas. This opens us up to aligning with our spiritual path more clearly. I find I lose connection when under stress. I am trying to become more aware of every situation in which I do this.
The Seventh Insight is about engaging the flow of energy once we become aware of our personal mission. Once we are in the flow of energy, the coincidences increase, we daydream and have meaningful dreams to find answers to our questions. At some point there will be synchronicities that when we have a question, it will be answered intuitively by another person. This has occurred for me on several occasions. Usually, the answer comes from my husband a day or so before I ask the question!
The Eight Insight teaches us the interpersonal ethic and how to conduct our relationships. We need to uplift everyone that comes into our lives and be careful not to lose our inner connection with our romantic relationships. It is easy to become co-dependent on another’s energy. It teaches how to project energy to others and handle family situations. This is one insight that I will use from now on.
The Ninth Insight is about our evolution to spiritual beings through synchronistic growth and attainment of higher energy states. We will eventually end the cycle of birth and death and will unite the afterlife dimension with the physical dimension of earth. I work with Reiki to continually attain higher energy states.
The Tenth Insight is about fulfilling our birth vision in remembering how to live this spirituality on earth. This spirituality is what all humans have strived to accomplish. Once we remember that we are here on assignment, we will pull a fuller vision of what we wanted to accomplish while on earth and be able to live it. I have the vision of what I wanted to accomplish and that is helping others through counseling. Living it on a daily basis is a challenge.
As I have a strong interest in the Celestine Vision, I went a little further and found that there is now an Eleventh Insight that talks about extending prayer fields. Every religion and sacred writing refers to the power of prayer, positive thinking, etc. Using a prayer form of holding a vision of intention for a spiritual world, we are helping to transform the world into spiritual form. I have been participating in a global prayer forum where many people hold a positive vision for the world together.
There is a Twelfth Insight under development. Stay tuned!
The Universal Life Church is a comprehensive online seminary where we have various classes in Christianity, one on Wicca, along with several Pagan courses, more than a few courses about Metaphysics with more being added regularly.
Ordination with the Universal Life Church, is free, legal and lasts for life, so please take advantage of our Free Online Ordination.
The  ULC, run by Rev. Long, has created a chaplaincy program to help train our ministers. We also have a huge catalog of minister supplies.  I’ve been ordained with the Universal Life Church for many years and am proud to have started the Seminary.
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Defining Spiritualism is a very insightful course that gives a terrific overview of how various philosophies have influenced religion and how such extremes in thought developed. It is very helpful in understanding others and how to minister to them – especially those with a more scientific worldview.
The lesson on atheism was very interesting. I always wondered how people could hold this philosophy and where it came from. This philosophy is based on an extreme view of science, and assumes that nothing exists outside of our five senses. It does not recognize our spirit or unconscious mind. It is a very narrow view of the world.
Many of the world’s atrocities were justified by the concept of predestination. This was one aspect of Christianity that I always struggled with. I could never understand how Christians could kill others in the name of Christianity. It was interesting to learn that if someone was not “called” to Christianity then it was assumed that they were somehow “predestined” not to be saved.
In summary, I really enjoyed the course and would recommend it to others. I think it is very important to understand how various philosophies were created and how they have influenced the modern world. As ministers, we need these insights and understanding in order to be of most benefit to those we minister to.
Thank you for making this course available!
Rev. Patricia Buben
The Universal Life Church is a comprehensive online seminary where we have classes in Christianity, Wicca, Paganism, two courses in Metaphysics and much more. I have been a proud member of the ULC for many years and the Seminary since its inception.

The Universal Life Church offers handfasting ceremonies, funeral ceremonies and free minister training.

As a long time member of ULC, Rev. Long created the seminary site to help train our ministers. We also have a huge selection of Universal Life Church  minister supplies. Since being ordained with the Universal Life Church for so many years and it’s Seminary since the beginning, I’ve watch the huge change and growth that has continued to happen.

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The Buddha is said to offer 84,000 categories of teachings to present them in twenty weeks in their historical and their practice context in a concise overview manner is a daunting task indeed. The course while not an in depth teaching of Buddhism succeeded in giving a good secular view of Buddhism. The questions asked could be better formulated and many of the references could be updated, some of the suggested reading was out of print.
The Buddha teaches us how to overcome suffering with The Four Noble Truths and it is the basis for all of the rest of his teachings. Better than just solving the problems others he gives them the tools to solve their own problems and end their suffering. he teaches us we must be our own savior. Through out the years of religious study I have come to believe that all religions are talking about the same experience and that which is unthinkable and unspeakable is the same for all. The conflict which arises is when we conceptually fabricate an explanation and rely on the words of others rather than experience for ourselves the great wonder of creation. The Buddha was a guide to the path of self exploration and knowledge in order to end ones own suffering. The method he used was meditation. The simplest and most effective way to experience this is simple.
Seek seclusion
Sit Still
Be quiet
All that can be known will be revealed, since we are that which we seek.
On November 15th I will enter a two month retreat and upon completion I will then begin a three year three month retreat at the Garchen Buddhist Institute in Chino Valley, Arizona. Thank you Rev. Mark for your moderation and thank you Rev. Amy for all the hard work that you have done.
Many Blessings and Prayers
Rev. Don Bowes
aka Konchog Jimpa a Drikung Kagyu monk.


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As a long time member of ULC, Rev. Long created the seminary site to help train our ministers. We also have a huge catalog of Universal Life Church materials.  As an ordained minister with the Universal Life Church for many years and it’s Seminary since the beginning, I’ve enjoyed watching the continual growth of the seminary.

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